Teen Nutrition Therapy

Teen fuel: Where delicious meets nutritious!

  • Taste & Enjoyment

    Teens often prioritize foods that taste good and are enjoyable to eat. They are more likely to choose foods that they find tasty and satisfying, even if they may not be the healthiest options.

    Incorporating flavorful and appealing foods into their diet can help encourage healthier eating habits and ensure they receive essential nutrients.

    In Nutrition therapy we work with teens to explore nutritious foods that are both tasty and enjoyable. By incorporating flavorful ingredients, experimenting with cooking techniques, and introducing a variety of culturally diverse foods, therapists can help teens develop a positive relationship with nutritious eating that aligns with their taste preferences.

  • Convenience & Accessibility

    Busy schedules, school commitments, and social activities may lead teens to opt for quick and easily accessible food options, such as fast food, snacks, and convenience foods. Providing convenient, healthy options that are easy to prepare and grab on the go can help support better nutrition choices among teens.

    Nutrition therapy can involve practical strategies to make healthy eating convenient and accessible for teens. Therapists can provide guidance on meal planning, preparation, and shopping for nutritious foods that are easy to prepare and suitable for on-the-go lifestyles. Additionally, therapists can help teens identify healthier options when eating out or navigating school cafeterias and vending machines.

  • Body Image & Appearance

    Teens are often concerned about their body image and appearance, which can influence their attitudes and behaviors towards food and nutrition.

    Some teens may engage in restrictive eating or fad diets in an attempt to achieve a certain body shape or weight. Promoting a positive body image and focusing on overall health and well-being rather than weight or appearance can help teens develop a healthier relationship with food and their bodies. Encouraging balanced eating patterns, regular physical activity, and self-care practices can support positive body image and overall nutrition among teens.

    Nutrition therapy plays a critical role in addressing body image concerns and promoting a healthy relationship with food and body image. Through supportive counseling and education, therapists can help teens shift their focus from restrictive eating behaviors or unrealistic body ideals to embracing balanced nutrition and self-care practices that support overall health and well-being. By fostering a holistic approach that prioritizes mental and emotional health alongside nutritional goals, therapists can empower teens to develop sustainable habits that promote long-term health and happiness.